Hi! I’m Kim, the creator of “Heal It With Kimness”! I started this website as a format to share what I have learned through my lifelong pursuit of wellness and wholeness.
While I offer suggestions for gentle and natural remedies that have worked for me, I have no formal degrees in healthcare, so my recommendations should not be taken as medical advice. I am simply sharing the information that I have gathered from my own life experiences in hopes that it will be of help to others.
Thanks so much for visiting!
I am passionate about empowering other women and sharing the tools that have empowered me to overcome and be a stronger woman. I hope you’ll find much to inspire, support and encourage you in your own journey toward health and happiness.
I would love to hear from you, so please make sure to leave a comment. I will personally read every one. I also invite you to join my mailing list, so I can keep you updated on new posts.

About Me
As a young woman, I developed a passion for natural healthcare and nutrition. I’ve spent many years educating myself and experimenting with methods of natural healing, healthy diet and exercise. More importantly, in my desire for a deeper relationship with God, with myself and with others, I have relentlessly pursued healing and growth for my spirit and soul.
Along my journey, I have come to see the importance of attending to the entire being as the only way to be truly healthy. I believe that we are first and foremost spiritual beings who need connection with God, beauty and love to truly thrive.
Though I may be eating well and exercising, taking great care of my body, if I am neglecting my heart and soul, my body will feel the effects. As well, a sick body discourages my soul.
As a natural-born caregiver, I have a great desire to help others to discover their best selves and find fulfillment in their lives. This is the calling to which I have devoted my life and creating this website is one way that I hope to accomplish that goal.

With all my heart,

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for the Lord and not for people.
Colossians 3:23