“Jesus replied, ‘He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her’.” – John 8:7
I saw a bumper sticker today that said, “Jesus, protect me from your followers”. There was a time when a statement like that might have offended me. After all, I consider myself one of Jesus’ followers. Nevertheless, I was not offended.
I appreciated the ironic humor and, at the same time, recognized the sad reality in it. More importantly, I found myself sympathizing with the sentiment. How very much damage has been done in the name of Christ.
It grieves me to think of the damage I have done in the name of Christ, especially in my haughty youth when I believed that I had all the answers. How many people did I unwittingly hurt or turn off by my self-righteous, judgmental attitude? How did I ever dare to think that I represented Jesus when I have been so full of me?
Jesus did not judge; He loved. In my earnest desire to lead people to Christ, I wonder how many I have actually put off. People were drawn to Christ when He lived here on earth. If we represent Him, then we too would naturally draw people to Him. It seems to me like the church has done more of the opposite; we have done much to give God a bad name to the world around us and I am afraid that many people share the sentiments expressed on that bumper sticker.
Though my pride is still much too large, I appreciate the ways in which God has humbled me. Had I been successful in all the endeavors of my life, I would never have come to see the importance of God’s grace. I would have continued in my pursuit of perfection in my strength (with “God’s help”), taking pride in and credit for all my accomplishments.
Most of us see failure as a negative. My perspective on that has changed. Failure has brought me to my knees, and therefore, it is a gift. Failure has also left me less apt to judge others and more compassionate about their weaknesses. Strange as it may sound, I feel blessed that I was not able to achieve my goal of the perfect Christian wife and mother, because I have discovered something so much better.
Since reducing my involvement in organized religion years ago, I have experienced a great deal of judgment and rejection from fellow believers. It was very painful at first, but I deserved it. I was reaping what I have sown because I have judged others in the same way. I see now that, instead of judgment, instead of shunning, what we really need to offer is the unconditional love of Christ.
“Freely you have received; freely give” (Matthew 10:8).
This, too, has been a humbling lesson for which I am so grateful. It has given me the ability to empathize with people such as this one with the bumper sticker. It has also caused me to want to put down my stones and just love my “neighbor”.
“Now then, who are you to judge your brother or sister?” (Romans 14:10). “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged” (Matthew 7:2).
We are all in need of grace. My prayer is that when the owner of that bumper sticker meets me, he will find nothing to fear, but simply see Jesus.