Welcome to Affirmations for Self Confidence. These affirmations are positive statements designed to help build your confidence and sense of self worth – to oppose self-doubt and negative beliefs. I recommend listening to these affirmations at least once a day.
Start by finding a comfortable position and just relax as you listen. Breathe in each statement as you hear it and then breathe out as you repeat it to yourself. Let’s begin when you are ready.
- I understand that my body is my oldest ally and friend, and I can trust it and listen to the information it offers me.
- I know that when I am tired, I can give myself permission to rest without guilt or self condemnation, knowing that I can care for others better when I care for myself.
- I honor my body for all that it does for me and all that it will do for me.
- I can be as kind, gentle and compassionate toward myself as I am with others.
- I am grateful for my body’s beauty, insight and ability to heal.
- With every breath, I am healing. As I breath in, I receive life-giving oxygen and positive energy.
- As I breath out, I cleanse myself of toxins and negative energy.
- I am learning to give my attention to what is good for me, to listen to the wisdom of my body, and to take loving good care of myself.
- I will enjoy each moment as it comes, letting go of the regrets of the past and the worries of the future.
- I choose to let go of worrying about things I cannot control and accept what I cannot change.
- I choose to focus my energy on the things that truly matter to me.
- I am able to face the difficulties in my life with the courage, strength, and endurance that arises from this solid foundation.
- I can feel myself being renewed and strengthened more and more every day.
- I can feel a sense of peace and well-being flowing all throughout my body.
- I accept that I may at times feel angry, sad, afraid or discouraged, and I honor the inner guidance that these feelings can offer me.
- I can trust my heart to be a powerful and discerning guide as I choose to make good decisions for my life.
- I am learning to choose healthy relationships and environments that are nurturing for me and avoid those that are not.
- I am learning to love and value myself because I am lovable and valuable.
- I take time each day to enjoy the beauty all around me – to listen to the beautiful music of the birds singing in the trees, to smell the sweet fragrance of the morning air, to savor a glorious sunset.
- I choose to be true to myself, to listen to my heart, trust my own judgment and be faithful to my own values.
- I know that I have things to do and gifts to give, and I have everything that I need to accomplish what I was born to do.
- As I bring my awareness back to my breath, I am able to return to my own inner peace and calm.
- I can see and feel a warm, glowing white light entering and flowing through my body, filling me with comfort and joy deep within.
- I can allow my spirit to be at rest, trusting that all is well and all will be well.
- I am beautiful. I am worthy. I am loved. I am safe.