Mother’s Day is almost here. Time to be showered with gifts, cards and pampering. Time for our families to stop the demands on us for a day and appreciate all that we do for them. After all, we deserve it, right? We are giving to and caring for them all year long. They should be grateful.
Then again, where did I get the idea that my family owes me gratitude? Is appreciation something I can demand? Well, I’ll admit, I have certainly tried at times and I can say for sure it doesn’t work. I can demand all I want, but they appreciate me or they don’t. Maybe it’s time for me to stop thinking about what I deserve and instead remember all that God has blessed me with that I don’t deserve at all.
Therefore, I’m going to do something different this Mother’s Day. My mother is not here to appreciate and thank. However, God has put other women (all wonderful mothers) in my life for which I can be grateful. I’m going to let each of them know how much they mean to me.
Here’s another thought. There are five people in my life, without whom I would ever have had the privilege of being called mother. That is a gift. Many women cannot have children; others struggle with sick children; then there are those who are grieving for lost children. I’m very blessed among women. I think my children are awesome. Each one of them has their own unique personality and their own unique relationship with me. I treasure every one of them. Therefore, this year, I’m going to let each of them know that I celebrate the gift they have given me of motherhood.
Mothers are a great gift and it’s right that we honor and appreciate them. For me this year, however, as God continues to humble me in every area of my life, I want to take the opportunity of Mother’s Day to remember not what I give, not what I’m “owed”, but what I have. And give thanks.