“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God– not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:8-10
I’m reading a book about finding joy. Someone I love gave it to me, and being a loyal person, I want to share in what is meaningful to those I love. Otherwise, I’m not sure I’d still be reading it.
At first, I was thinking that it’s reminiscent of my old legalistic days. I’ve read many books like this, I thought. Then the author made some great points and she definitely stresses relationship with God as the answer to experiencing joy, so I’ve tried to read with a receptive attitude. I don’t find reading it to be a waste of my time; it’s an encouraging reminder of how far I have come, and of course, God can speak to me through anything.
Last night, however, I got to the point where many religious books eventually seem to arrive. All I have to do is follow these easy steps and everything will fall into place in my life.
I know all too well the roller coaster ride of following religious methods; the hopeful, diligent effort followed by the disappointing sense of failure and self-condemnation, none of which seemed to lead me closer to my goal of a fulfilling spiritual life as promised. The “it’s all about me” plan; God is just waiting to give me a new life if I can just manage to get it right and follow a few simple (?) steps.
The first step is obviously the diligent study of God’s Word. While I value the wisdom and truth of the Bible tremendously, I’m glad that I am no longer stuck in believing that relationship with God is dependent upon my discipline.
I’m also actually glad that following steps and formulas didn’t work for me, because, in my defeat, I discovered victory over the law. When I finally gave up and quit working so hard for the abundant life, it found me. God is able. I am not. It’s ok. It makes life so much easier; it really has lowered my stress level considerably.
Now, instead of trying to follow three simple steps to success, I think I’ll just leave it to the Expert. He is more than capable.