Most of us are usually in a hurry. Yet Jesus, who had more concerns pressed upon Him than perhaps anyone who ever lived, never seemed to be in a great rush. He didn’t stress out about all the things He had to do or worry about how He would ever get it all done. He just calmly did what He needed to do when He needed to do it. Jesus understood how to live in the moment. He did not just talk about peace. He lived it.
God seems to put many obstacles in my way to teach me this lesson – that there’s no need to rush and stress through my life because He has it all in His control. And in my hurry, there’s so much I can miss of what really matters – enjoying the moment, spontaneous fellowship, stopping to “smell the roses”.
Even though I’m on vacation and have nowhere I have to be and nothing I have to do, I still find it difficult to slow down. Going through my days at the easy-going pace of my friend Caren has been no small challenge. Let me tell you, she has got this down. She is in no hurry – ever. The opposite of me. With her large family, it’s certainly not because she has nothing to do.
It wouldn’t surprise me if this is an intentional part of God’s plan for me on this trip, and that He’s working through Caren to produce this relaxed mentality in me as well.
What is my hurry, anyway? I may never be as laid-back as Caren, but I am learning to rest in the Lord and take each moment as it comes without looking ahead and worrying about the next.